UOB – Save paper the smarter way

The brief: To encourage more sign-ups for digital statement
The challenge:
To turn the steps into a want, not a need
The solution:
Pledge the green way and you can turn your last paper statement into a plant

The same brief was done with gamification in the previous year and to tackle the same brief with the “same message”, we had to think out-of-the-box – Using junk mail to reduce junk mail.

Leveraging on Earth Day celebrations, customers are encouraged to make a pledge to go green and be incentivized not only by wearing their “Green badge” proudly on their social profiles and also to receiving plantable seed paper, along with direct mailers that could be folded into planting pots within their “last paoer statement”. Lucky subscribers won eco-friendly thumbdrives and members of the public were allowed to join in by greenifying their Facebook profile pictures.

The results eclipsed our initial goals by over 10%. Not only did we build awareness within UOB’s customer base, but also with the general public. Marketing Magazine picked the campaign up as an Innovative Direct Mailer.